Trust The Process

If you fancy traditional Recruitment, and simply comfortable with 'how it has always been done', you may find we taste like marmite.  Found Alexander will shift your paradigm, and will look to change the fabric of an industry needing an injection of innovation.  Having been hugging the Recruitment industry for the past decade, our 'product' is continually shaped by innovation, process, and tools changing the thought process in other industries.  Ensuring those tools are malleable to our business, we look to eliminate waste, and ultimately transform a typically transactional business practice found in other agencies.  This 'way of thinking' allows us to focus our efforts on THE value-add, our customer centric business model, the client, candidate, and PEOPLE.  We firmly believe the most interesting organizations and the people shifting the way an industry 'thinks', operates, and exposes an opportunity are anything but vanilla, so neither is our product, and what we are all about at Found Alexander. 


TODAY, it's a 'buyer's market', so WHY browse your product offering and vacancy over 'your neighbours'?  This is where we step in.  With regards to our process, from discovery call to 'cash', we do not operate in silos, as we understand that in order to not only foster sound relationships and retain fantastic teams, we must all own a diet of collaboration.  It is impossible to articulate all needs on paper, so we work closely with our clients from the get-go in order to gain that deep understanding of their vacancy, what the business is looking for in an ideal candidate 'profile', and formulate a bespoke recruitment strategy that makes sense for the business, role, and mission.  We become a genuine, transparent, well versed extension of your voice prior, and throughout execution.


Now, imagine if every candidate arrived qualified for the gig, inspired, nurtured, aligned with your corporate ethos, and eager to learn more, simply after our initial job discovery call.  Found Alexander's uncompromising candidate screening methodology, bespoke sourcing algorithm allowing us to leverage the latest in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Digital/Social communication channels; accompanied with our assessment, and alignment recipes guarantees significant shrinkage in turnaround time, the introduction is memorable, and both parties envision fit.  Carrie Bradshaw and Manolo Blahniks? No problem!


Interview scheduling, calendar and appointment orientation, and offer of employment presentation, we have it all covered.  We will provide a full scope, full service, 360-degree executive recruitment package that will alleviate the migraine, allowing you to focus on your business and what you do best.


You will have full peace of mind knowing we are not afraid of hard graft, operate with a sense of urgency and ownership, available at all hours, and will be working on your behalf when others are dreaming of 'Friday @ 5'.  We are a data driven, supported, and informed firm, holding demonstrated expertise in all industries, and throughout ALL functional areas of the business.  YES, regardless of the vacancy, it is in our wheelhouse, as our core and foundation were built on diversity, as it should be.